Tuesday, 22 January 2013

HOG Blog 1

This is my first attempt at a blog, so bare with me ;-).

I will begin by telling you what HOG services is and does. To start I will use 'the elevator pitch', so here goes, HOG services can maximise and improve your indoor and outdoor space. How, you ask, OK, I will tell you. Our Handyman and Odd jobs service, or the H and O of HOG if you will (10 points for guessing what the G stands for #answersonapostcard), perform jobs as simple as changing a light bulb to building a walk-in wardrobe, or even boarding out your loft. If you are unsure about anything, feel free to ask, contact info will be coming up at the end or feel free to leave a comment. Well that covers the indoors, now for the outdoors.
The G of HOG stands for...(insert drumroll here)...yes, you guessed it, Garden services. Our Garden services, HOG's bread and butter, range from light gardening, i.e. mowing the lawn, lawn edging, light weeding, to full garden overhaul and landscaping. You come first when it comes to designing your dream garden, you tell us what you would like and we draw it up, so that you can see what works and what doesn't. There are more in depth details on our website, which takes us nicely on to the methods you can use to get in touch;
1. Check out our website by either, clicking on the HOG tree, the link or by going to www.hogservices.moonfruit.com
2. Tweet us on Twitter; @HOGservices
3. Find us on Facebook by searching 'HOG services'
4. Call or text Ben on 07709696679
5. Email daddydback21@gmail.com

I hope you enjoyed reading my first blog, please leave any feedback and comments so I can continue to grow HOG services into a sustainable and trustworthy brand.

Thank you for your time and please pop back to check for the next installment.

1 comment:

  1. I’m glad to find so many useful and informative data on your website.
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